
About Jean Connon Unda

Jean Connon Unda is a Jungian Analyst and Psychotherapist in private practice in Toronto. With twenty-five years of clinical experience, she works with adults from diverse backgrounds who wish to explore whatever it is that blocks their desire to live more fully. 

Jean brings to her work a breadth of experience gleaned from her own life journey. As a child growing up on the edge of a small town, Jean learned to attune to “the litany of nature”, a practice of sensual presence with the natural world that continues to serve as spiritual grounding and a source of insight into life, death and transformation. She has a special interest in death as a rite of passage.

For many years she worked as an educator, initially with children and then with adults, in public education, community-based organizations, government, and the labour movement. She lived and worked in Latin America, deepening her appreciation of the challenges and rewards of relationship with “the other”, both in society and in oneself. She is interested in the resonances and interplay between the processes of personal and social transformation, and in social movements that generate conditions conducive to human flourishing. 

The Jungian chapter of Jean’s life began 30 years ago when she entered analysis.  In her personal encounter with Jung’s depth psychological approach she felt she was coming home and determined to train as an Analyst. She continues to deepen her understanding of the psyche and the process of individuation through her interests in affective neuroscience, complexity science and the processes of emergence, creativity and improvisation.  

Prior to analytic training through the Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts (OAJA), Jean completed graduate studies at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto and worked as a psychotherapist. She currently teaches in the OAJA Training Program and offers supervision. She also facilitates an ongoing group that looks at films from a Jungian perspective and for two years she taught at the Toronto Art Therapy Institute (TATI).  

Jean is a member of The Ontario Association of Jungian Analysts (OAJA), The Canadian Association for Psychodynamic Therapy (CAPT), and the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP). She is registered with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO). 

Jean works in English and Spanish.